
Bhakti, in the Upanishads simply means participation, devotion and love for any endeavour. We are fully devoted to the practice of Astanga Yoga????Compromising late nights and certain foods in order to come to any of our classes takes devotion. We salute those of you who have chosen this path. Leave us a comment below on how you feel about your Bhakti ️????????????Thurs 7.30pm Full Primary with @katduckenfield •Fri 6.30am Counted Full Primary with @astangasmiles •Fri 6pm Counted Full Primary with @katduckenfield •Sat MOONDAY•••••#bhakti #devotion #participation #love #compromises #practiceandalliscoming #practice #dailygrind #getonyourmat #astanga #yoga #course #class #dropin #brighton #brightonnaturalhealthcentre #yogabasebrighton

Do not be tempted to hang up your boots just yet. Someday, everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason???? The practice of Astanga Yoga is a great way to help you truly understand who you are. Finding strength where you are weak and creating softness where it is needed. After all, we bend so we don’t break????Wed 6.30am & 9am Mysore style with @astangasmiles + 6.30pm & 8pm with @katduckenfield Click the like in our bio for full timetable detailsSee you tomorrow •••••#bendsoyoudontbreak #astanga #yoga #hangupyourboots #northlaine #brighton #ganglife #community #breathe #mysorestyle #mysore #beginnersyoga #brightonnaturalhealthcentre #yogabasebrighton #asanapractice

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu ????May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all ????Thank you @astangasmiles @arabellatwh @marthathompson1992 Georgina @limeyjay Alyisha @katduckenfield @urszulakuzak @carmurphy17 108 Sun salutations later we are still smiling. Thank you for supporting Yoga Stops Traffick @yogabasebrighton @brightonnaturalhealthcentre #yogaworldwide #sunsalutations #108 #magicnumber #odanadi #yogastopstraffick #brightonnaturalhealthcentre #goodcauses #dogoodthings #community #astanga #yoga

Yoga stops Traffick️Sat 10 March, 12 noon @brightonnaturalhealthcentre with @yogabasebrighton @astangasmiles & @katduckenfield Odanadi is a charity based in Mysore, India that addresses all forms of sexual violence against women and children, with a special focus on human trafficking. They have adopted a holistic approach to combat sexual violence through prevention, rescue, rehabilitation, awareness and training programmes. We invite you to join with us and raise money for this fantastic cause. All you need to do is donate directly via and then join us for 108 Surya namaskar A. This is a wonderful event for our yoga community to come together and show support for others. We look forward to joining with you next Saturday???? Facebook event details via our bio link ••••••#yogastopstraffick #odanadi #stopviolence #ahimsa #astanga #yogaheals #yoga #savelife #charity #108 #suryanamaskar #sunsalutation #community #joinus #joinin #love #support #brighton #brightonnaturalhealthcentre #yogabasebrighton #astangayogabrighton

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