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Loving our new look Shala. Sharing the space with these living, breathing plants really brought a different energy this morning. Even when we tidy away the garlands and Ganesha, the space lives on.????????‍♀️Thank you for taking part in the photo shoot yesterday, 9am-ers. We really appreciate it.????If you haven’t been in to practice this week, there’s still opportunities to get on the mat.????????‍♂️Thurs -7.30pm Led Class•Fri- 6.30am & 6pm (Full counted Primary)•Sat – 8am Mysore style•…@brightonnaturalhealthcentre @yogabasebrighton #justshowup #getonyourmat #astanga #yoga #abyhasa #ayb #aybtn #astangayogabrighton

Loving our new look Shala. Sharing the space with these living, breathing plants really brought a different energy this morning. Even when we tidy away the garlands and Ganesha, the space lives on.????????‍♀️Thank you for taking part in the photo shoot yesterday, 9am-ers. We really appreciate it.????If you haven’t been in to practice this week, there’s still opportunities to get on the mat.????????‍♂️Thurs -7.30pm Led Class•Fri- 6.30am & 6pm (Full counted Primary)•Sat - 8am Mysore style•...@brightonnaturalhealthcentre @yogabasebrighton #justshowup #getonyourmat #astanga #yoga #abyhasa #ayb #aybtn #astangayogabrighton

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Mysore style astanga self-practice

Mon-Fri 6.15-9am (last entry 7.30am)
Sat 7.30am start (led class last Saturday of each month)

Led Classes

Monday 6pm, Wednesday 6pm & Thursday evenings 7.30pm
Friday evenings 6pm