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#Repost @livesonima with @repostapp・・・Just a little peek into the Conference today with Paramaguru Sharath Jois. “This Asana practice is just one limb of yoga. So it starts by Yama, Niyama, Asana. Yama & Niyama means: Ahimsa – nonviolence, Satya – telling the truth, non-stealing. All of these things are very important in our practice. Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya – celibacy, Aparigraha – not being greedy. These are all very important in the yoga practice. Only when you put these ingredients into your daily life, then the yoga keeps happening.” ..#ashtanga #ashtangayoga #ashtangi #sharathjois #sharathtour  #sharathusa2017 #srikpattabhijois #paramaguru #paramaguruji #yoga #instagramyoga #sonima #joisyoga #sharathjoistour2017#alleightlimbs #yama #niyama #asana

#Repost @livesonima with @repostapp・・・Just a little peek into the Conference today with Paramaguru Sharath Jois. "This Asana practice is just one limb of yoga. So it starts by Yama, Niyama, Asana. Yama & Niyama means: Ahimsa - nonviolence, Satya - telling the truth, non-stealing. All of these things are very important in our practice. Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya - celibacy, Aparigraha - not being greedy. These are all very important in the yoga practice. Only when you put these ingredients into your daily life, then the yoga keeps happening." ..#ashtanga #ashtangayoga #ashtangi #sharathjois #sharathtour  #sharathusa2017 #srikpattabhijois #paramaguru #paramaguruji #yoga #instagramyoga #sonima #joisyoga #sharathjoistour2017#alleightlimbs #yama #niyama #asana

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Mysore style astanga self-practice

Mon-Fri 6.15-9am (last entry 7.30am)
Sat 7.30am start (led class last Saturday of each month)

Led Classes

Monday 6pm, Wednesday 6pm & Thursday evenings 7.30pm
Friday evenings 6pm