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#Repost @ekaminhale (@get_repost)・・・#repost @livesonima Sharath, today from conference, “For you what is important? To be CALM everyday. Everyday, peaceful life- that is what we are focusing on. Someone can be very famous one day suddenly you can fall. That person can fall. Someone can become very famous, some person, next day something bad he does, he goes down. Even asanas, you are slim you can do Marichasana D, Kurmasana. Once you put on weight, you eat too many pizzas, bad pizzas- so you put on weight then Marichasana D goes down. You go “ooooh I lost Marichasana D. OOH I lost this.” You get so depressed. Some students get angry also when they lose asanas. So that is not what we are looking for. How to calm ourselves- Asana will come- go. Money will come- go. Fame will come and go. What we have to see is how to keep ourself calm, steady, stable. This is what asana gives us.” Video Credit : @aimeeecho #badpizza #marichasanaD#ashtanga #ashtangayoga #ashtangi #sharathjois #sharathtour #sharathusa2017 #srikpattabhijois #paramaguru #paramaguruji #yoga #instagramyoga #sonima #joisyoga

#Repost @ekaminhale (@get_repost)・・・#repost @livesonima Sharath, today from conference, "For you what is important? To be CALM everyday. Everyday, peaceful life- that is what we are focusing on. Someone can be very famous one day suddenly you can fall. That person can fall. Someone can become very famous, some person, next day something bad he does, he goes down. Even asanas, you are slim you can do Marichasana D, Kurmasana. Once you put on weight, you eat too many pizzas, bad pizzas- so you put on weight then Marichasana D goes down. You go "ooooh I lost Marichasana D. OOH I lost this." You get so depressed. Some students get angry also when they lose asanas. So that is not what we are looking for. How to calm ourselves- Asana will come- go. Money will come- go. Fame will come and go. What we have to see is how to keep ourself calm, steady, stable. This is what asana gives us." Video Credit : @aimeeecho #badpizza #marichasanaD#ashtanga #ashtangayoga #ashtangi #sharathjois #sharathtour  #sharathusa2017 #srikpattabhijois #paramaguru #paramaguruji #yoga #instagramyoga #sonima #joisyoga

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Mysore style astanga self-practice

Mon-Fri 6.15-9am (last entry 7.30am)
Sat 7.30am start (led class last Saturday of each month)

Led Classes

Monday 6pm, Wednesday 6pm & Thursday evenings 7.30pm
Friday evenings 6pm