Intro to Mysore practice workshops

Sat 25 Jan 9.30 - 10.45am

Sat 25 Jan 9.30 - 10.45am

June 29th / Sep 28th
9.30 – 10.45am
See pricing page for further details.
Prices / Book

Mysore is an individual practice that you do in a group setting, at your own pace with mindfulness of breath, gaze and alignment. Regardless of age, strength or flexibility, it is actually the consistency that is the key to unlocking the benefits of this healing practice. Bringing strength to you body and a steadiness to your mind.

These workshops are designed to give you a taster into exactly what Mysore practice is and answer any questions you have about it. You do not need to know any of the Primary series sequence to attend.

The class is 75mins and will cost £14. You can book your place here. Hit the Mysore single class button and then drop Sarah an email to say you’ll be attending the workshop. For anyone who decides to join up within the first week following the workshop will get their £14 deducted from their first monthly pass.