
#Repost @davidgarriguesyoga (@get_repost)・・・Of course, you want to do the yoga for your health, for flexibility, strength, mental clarity, for all these lesser reasons that we do it, they are important. At the same time, those are not the point, the point is very deep in there, it is communion with spirit. It is a realization of Self as spirit. I am not this body; I am not this personality, I AM everything, I am the source of existence. This body, I transcend it. I am the universal person, the cosmic person, THAT is my true identity. The way I discover that is through solitude; I withdraw myself, I seal myself off from everything out there to discover that I am unified with everything, I am the source of everything. Through that solitude, that stillness, that quiet, I get to the innermost place and understand the sacred foundation of all yoga practice. I’d like to thank all of the students who came out this weekend and shared the lineage with me in Edinburgh. You were an awesome group of students and I enjoyed working with all of you. I hope to see you again! Special thanks to #meadowlarkyoga and, of course, to Sarah Durney Hatcher, long time student and Ashtanga teacher extraordinaire. Jai! @ashtangaseradee ️Next weekend I am teaching at @yogabasebrighton and there is space available if you’d like to attend. #yoga #ashtanga #ashtangayoga #hathayoga #asana #pranayama #yogasutras #mysore #primaryseries #yogalife #yogalover #yogaeverydamnday #yogainspiration

#Repost @ekaminhale (@get_repost)・・・#repost @livesonima Sharath, today from conference, “For you what is important? To be CALM everyday. Everyday, peaceful life- that is what we are focusing on. Someone can be very famous one day suddenly you can fall. That person can fall. Someone can become very famous, some person, next day something bad he does, he goes down. Even asanas, you are slim you can do Marichasana D, Kurmasana. Once you put on weight, you eat too many pizzas, bad pizzas- so you put on weight then Marichasana D goes down. You go “ooooh I lost Marichasana D. OOH I lost this.” You get so depressed. Some students get angry also when they lose asanas. So that is not what we are looking for. How to calm ourselves- Asana will come- go. Money will come- go. Fame will come and go. What we have to see is how to keep ourself calm, steady, stable. This is what asana gives us.” Video Credit : @aimeeecho #badpizza #marichasanaD#ashtanga #ashtangayoga #ashtangi #sharathjois #sharathtour #sharathusa2017 #srikpattabhijois #paramaguru #paramaguruji #yoga #instagramyoga #sonima #joisyoga

#Repost @davidgarriguesyoga (@get_repost)・・・I was scrolling through my newsfeed and I spotted this. I can’t remember when I exactly said these words but I did say them. The woman didn’t tag me and my name is not listed anywhere. These were just notes that she had written down. I’ll admit my first reaction was a bit harsh. I thought, “Wait a minute! I said this and I’m not cited anywhere.”But then I thought about how amazing it is that she found these notes so helpful and considered the teachings worthwhile enough that she jotted them down in her notebook for later reference. And so I checked myself and thought, “How cool that my teachings are making a difference. This is what I’ve worked my butt off for the past 25 years… to help people navigate the yogic path. You’re doing it, David. Right in front of your eyes you’re witnessing it.” Tomorrow I leave for three weeks and travel to the UK. I’ll be meeting and teaching students that learn from me virtually and consider me their teacher. I feel so blessed for this journey and grateful to all the students who keep me honest and inspire me to keep working hard. Join me this summer in the United Kingdom. EDINBURGH MAY 26TH-28TH BRIGHTON JUNE 3RD-4TH ️LEEDSJUNE 9TH-11TH #ashtanga #ashtangayoga #asana #tapas #bhakti #pranayama #yogasutras #yoga #yogalove #yogateacher #yogainspiration

#Repost @livesonima with @repostapp・・・Just a little peek into the Conference today with Paramaguru Sharath Jois. “This Asana practice is just one limb of yoga. So it starts by Yama, Niyama, Asana. Yama & Niyama means: Ahimsa – nonviolence, Satya – telling the truth, non-stealing. All of these things are very important in our practice. Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya – celibacy, Aparigraha – not being greedy. These are all very important in the yoga practice. Only when you put these ingredients into your daily life, then the yoga keeps happening.” ..#ashtanga #ashtangayoga #ashtangi #sharathjois #sharathtour  #sharathusa2017 #srikpattabhijois #paramaguru #paramaguruji #yoga #instagramyoga #sonima #joisyoga #sharathjoistour2017#alleightlimbs #yama #niyama #asana

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